7 Powerful Lessons To Be Learned From My Trash Guys


A Little Trash Talk

We can all learn a ton about life, business, and effective client service by simply following the trash collection guys around my old neighborhood. Their names are Chris and Buck. The fact that I even know their names speaks volumes...

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  1919 Hits

EIN's: All the Best-Dressed Freelancers are Wearing One


Up Your Freelance Game: Apply for an EIN

As a freelancer, I sometimes forget I am running a company of one. I am both the product and the advertising, the management, and the HR department (self-care days are mandatory here). If you’re a freelancer, you're a business owner...

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  1397 Hits

Virtual Realities and A Bit of Holiday Cheer from MojoMediaPros


Investing In Remote Culture

If you’re wondering how the Hollywood Christmas Parade photo above relates to MojoMediaPros, or to investing in remote-team culture, read on. We’ll get there – I promise. 

Among other, even less pleasant challenges, 2020 will be remembered as the year everyone learned how to work from home...

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  1520 Hits

10 Tools to Boost Your Productivity on the Road


Digital nomads are reinventing the traditional home office, and I am one of them.

Ever look at your home office and think: “I could take this on the road”? That’s exactly what my husband and I thought at the beginning of 2019. One puppy, one wedding, and just about one year later, we have taken our work/life balancing act out on the road and are living out our dream ...

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  1636 Hits

The High Cost of Failing to Protect the Crown Jewels


Domain Names — Way More than Branding

Having created websites and providing digital services to clients for the past 25 years, I feel like I’ve seen it all, including a lot of unnecessary drama around domain ownership and registration...

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  1873 Hits

Creativity needs to be dangerous and unpredictable.


When everything becomes a little too comfortable and controlled, it’s easy to produce work that’s devoid of surprises.

Humans are very adept at falling into ruts. The more we do something, and the better we get at doing it, the greater the inclination to keep on doing it the very same way...

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  1997 Hits

Entrepreneurship in the Face of Crisis


The Gift of Adversity

The 2020 Coronavirus crisis and worldwide COVID19 pandemic, has grabbed our attention like nothing in our lifetime... For business owners and entrepreneurs, the notion of “business, as usual”, is not only impossible, it is hard to imagine when things will return to “normal” and what the new norm may feel like. But that in itself is not all bad...

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  2170 Hits

Here are 10 Secrets for Surviving Quarantine


A Freelancer’s Perspective on Quarantine Readiness

As a freelance designer who works from home, I've basically been living in quarantine for years. In my solitude, I've had plenty of time to find ways to make it as pleasant as possible.

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  1629 Hits

Step-by-Step Edits for the Perfect Profile Picture!


Learn to Use Your Smartphone’s Photo Editing Features for a Perfect Profile Pic!

In my last blog on creating the perfect profile picture, I linked to a few free photo editing options and suggested the best way to create a flattering, natural photo was to adjust brilliance, highlights, shadows, and color temperature...

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  3293 Hits

Professional Tips For The Perfect Headshot


Learn to Take a Beautiful DIY Profile Picture Every Time!

With the ease and access of smartphone cameras (not to mention the ever-increasing quality of them) it’s easy to believe everyone a photographer.  Here are some of the best ways to guarantee a gorgeous headshot...

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  5091 Hits