1 minute reading time
(200 words)
Connecting the Dots – What You Need To Know About PWAs
PWA Primer: The Promise and The Emerging Reality
Recently, I spoke at Craft Content 2019. My topic was "Progressive Web Apps commonly referred to as PWAs.”
Whenever I'm asked to speak at any event, my checklist includes three things:
- Speak about something I am personally passionate about
- Use the engagement as an opportunity to gain more expertise
- Make the talk relevant to the audience
I can honestly say this talk checks all the boxes!
If you don't already know about Progressive Web Apps, this presentation will get you up to speed, "from zero to 60" in 30 minutes or less.
A video of the entire #CCN19 presentation is available below.
You may also download a PDF of my slides from LinkedIn SlideShare complete with references and resources.
Shout out to Jason Mazzo for a yeoman's job handling the video edit and special thanks to the Craft Content conference team for inviting me back to speak at #CCN19.