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HUMOR: 10 Secrets for How to Save Money on a New Website


Secret Strategies for Savvy Website Deal‑Seekers

Everyone wants a deal and website shoppers are no exception. And deals can be had IF you are committed to the process.

Here are the top 10 strategies to save you money on a new website.


  1. Secret Strategy No. 1

    nerd handcuffed plead | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Two words: “Off Shore!”
  2. Secret Strategy No. 2

    nerd ducking behind valise | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Hire a professional web developer and simply refuse to pay, citing “creative differences”...
  3. Secret Strategy No. 3

    nerd wave | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Call in a favor with cousin Eddie...
  4. Secret Strategy No. 4

    nerd lean to left | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Every time anyone asks you, “Do you want fries with that, dude?”, take it as a sign from God, and ask them to bid your website...
  5. Secret Strategy No. 5

    nerd closer look | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Google “Websites for under $100”... You’ll be amazed at how many companies are offering this... Good luck, getting any support, however...
  6. Secret Strategy No. 6

    nerd front n center | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Take a side job at Best Buy and get to know the Geek Squad guys...
  7. Secret Strategy No. 7

    nerd sassy | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Search the web for free website contests. Don’t be surprised if you don’t win, but you will be contacted!
  8. Secret Strategy No. 8

    nerd finger up | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Take a photo of your business card and use it as the homepage of your site. For a special touch, add the words “Under Construction!”
  9. Secret Strategy No. 9

    nerd head ache | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Take an online class in web development. How hard can it be?
  10. Secret Strategy No.10

    nerd crouching | editorial image MojoMediaPros blog | Digital Agency Nashville Become a lunchroom volunteer at the local high school and introduce yourself to any of the kids at the computer club table...

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