Market like a big brand, even if you aren’t one yet.
Introducing SmartStart — Comprehensive Digital Marketing For Modern Businesses
Earlier this year, I wrote a piece titled Entrepreneurship in the Face of Crisis for the MojoMediaPros blog. In it, I mentioned that we’ve been working on something pretty special. Well, it’s finally launched, and we’re pretty excited.
Introducing Mojo SmartStart – a cost-effective, comprehensive digital marketing platform, specifically tailored to fit startups, nonprofits, and other evolving businesses. Now entrepreneurs have a faster, easier way to get a modern website, marketing automation, analytics, sophisticated email campaigns, and more. All built by seasoned pros. All designed to work together. And easily scalable as a company moves forward.
And companies wanting help with other foundational elements like branding work, strategy, content marketing, and paid search advertising can take advantage of Mojo’s roster of highly talented specialists as needed.
The initial feedback has been really positive. Not all that surprising, considering how and why we decided to tackle this project in the first place. If you’re curious, you can read that origin story here. Spoiler alert – it’s not the Big Think strategy story you might expect.