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Content Marketing

MojoMediaPros Services: Content Marketing

What is content marketing?

Content Marketing is all the buzz these days. Perhaps you've wondered what it's all about? Simply stated, the goal of Content Marketing is to attract customers by creating compelling content that satisfies the searcher's intent to learn more about a product or service.

Content Marketing Establishes Credibility

Good Content Marketing establishes credibility by providing value to existing and potential customers — encouraging them to take action! Content is the backbone of everything we do. Media is content. From writing ad copy to producing and editing video, our media pros craft purposeful content to engage customers and build long-term relationships.

Purposeful content such as:

  • Blog Articles
  • Graphics
  • Charts and Diagrams
  • Infographics
  • Slide Presentations
  • White Papers
  • Interactive Website Features
  • Email Campaigns
  • Social Media Posts
  • Digital Ads
  • Videos
  • Surveys

Content Strategy

Because content covers such a vast variety of deliverables, the first thing we do when we create content is to establish the purpose behind it — a Content Strategy

Generally, the purpose of any piece of content boils down to adding value to your audience. Whether it’s creating training materials for your employees or producing fun videos to post to Instagram, any piece of content should have a distinct audience, goal, and provide value to the recipient.

With the introduction of automated marketing practices and algorithms that predict what someone might respond to, it’s more important than ever to show your customers and potential customers that you are paying attention to what matters to them. This should be reflected in the information you present on your website, emails, marketing materials, social media posts, paid-search advertising, etc. Smart marketing efforts are no longer an added bonus, but an expectation.

So how do you produce content that will engage your audience and bring you more business?

MojoMediaPros uses multiple techniques to ensure personalized, valuable content.

  • Research: Knowing more about your target market and buyer persona profiles will allow us to make smart decisions about what type of content to create, the best media for the presentation of that content, and the best platform for distribution.
  • Industry Standards: As a team of professionals in the technology and marketing world, we stay current with trends and best practices in order to provide the best service to our clients.
  • Building Personal Relationships: We get to know our clients and their companies’ voice so that we can align our efforts with theirs. Our team should be an extension of your business, representing your values and mission online.
  • Creativity: MojoMediaPros’ philosophy is to provide custom solutions. A crazy idea is only crazy if it doesn’t fit the circumstance. While we always stay within the bounds of what our clients expect, we’re not afraid to push the envelope and think outside the box to get results.

Engaging Customers Through Content Marketing

Driving traffic to your website and getting Likes on Facebook posts will only get you so far. Brand awareness is critical; however, we know that cash-flow is the lifeblood of your business. In the end, you want conversions: converting leads into prospects and prospects into customers! Newsletter sign-ups, referrals, and, ultimately, purchases, are all forms of conversion, and increasing sales is the goal after all!

Providing relevant content is one of the best ways to shepherd visitors into the sales funnel, encouraging them to convert along the way. Content can be offered up to your audience in many ways, including:

  • Advertising to a Landing Page - generally including a lead form
  • Email Marketing - provide freebies in exchange for referrals or reviews
  • Webinars - gather data from user registrations
  • White Papers and Ebooks - offer up downloads in a gated form
  • Coupons/Offers - track conversion rate with specific coupon codes
  • Subscription to PodCasts, Video Series, or other cyclical content - allows a slow drip campaign to ultimately lead to a sale or partnership.

Inbound Marketing

Often referred to as Inbound Marketing, creating content to generate qualified leads and nurture existing leads into customers is an effective way to maximize your time and resources. Targeting the right people at the right time with the right content produces results.

MojoMediaPros does the heavy lifting for you. We do the research. We create the right content. We deliver it to the appropriate audience on the best platform. We analyze the data and make the necessary adjustments. We then record and organize that data to make decisions on the content we continue to create. You get more information about your audience, your products, and your business. You also get qualified leads that are in the market for your product/service. And most importantly, you get more sales and customer relationships.

Work smarter. Contact Mojo to establish and drive your Content Strategy.

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