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Web Design

MojoMediaPros Services: Web Design

Nashville Business-Savvy Web Dev

A good website levels the playing field, allowing your business to compete with rivals many times your size. Done well, it is a powerful marketing tool, promoting your business 24/7. On the other hand, if it is hastily conceived or poorly executed, it can actually work against you, turning off potential customers.

Beyond look-and-feel, careful attention must be paid to navigation, workflow, and the underlying infrastructure to be sure your website can serve your needs for years to come.

mojo Before n After slide

We are proud of the websites we have designed for our clients. Be sure to watch our Websites Before & Afters video and review our Website Gallery. And if you're looking for some 3rd party endorsement, you can find us on DesignRush as one of Nashville's Top Web Designers!.

Our Web Roots

Our web experience dates back to 1995 — the very infancy of the world-wide-web (www) and we have experienced, first-hand, every phase of this industry.

While many things have changed over the past two decades, some important things have remained constant...

Our Constants

  • Our commitment to User-Centric Design
  • Our Adherence to Form Follows Function
  • Our commitment to quality content
  • Our belief that Presentation Matters

Modern CMS Infrastructure

At MojoMediapPros, sharing the latest technologies and process improvement is an important component of every Mojo engagement. Today, all our websites are based on modern content management systems (CMS), allowing you, the site owner, to easily update the content. If you need help, no worries – we are standing by.


With more than 52% of web traffic originating from mobile users, optimizing the mobile experience has become operation critical. ”Go mobile or go home," became the mantra a few short years ago when Google introduced the first of many algorithms aimed at boosting the mobile user's experience by penalizing sites which had not made the mobile shift. Today, most websites have joined the mobile bandwagon, fully aware that there are no degrees of mobile-friendliness in Google's algorithm – you are either mobile-friendly or you are not.

All MojoMediaPros websites use mobile-friendly, responsive design templates.

Our Website Process

Mojo5D title slide

We have created a streamlined version of our 5D Methodology, tuned specifically for website design-build. Check out this slide presentation for an overview of our website process and the major milestones involved.

Standard Website Features

  • CMS Infrastructure
  • Responsive Mobile-Friendly Design
  • Backup & Reversion
  • Integrated Blogging
  • FAQ
  • Contact Form

Specialty Website Features

  • Integrated Ecommerce
  • Subscription Platform
  • Custom Access Control
  • Integrated Mailing List
  • Copywriting
  • Original Photography & Video

Standard Website Services

  • Discovery Kickoff
  • Creative Development
  • Architecture Design
  • Editorial Guidance
  • Content Integration
  • Graphic Design
  • Blog Setup
  • CSS Design/Styling
  • Google Registration
  • CMS Content Training

Benefits of Our Approach

The benefits of our business-owner-friendly approach to website development include:

  1. Your company owns everything: your site is your site. You maintain control over the intellectual property and your domain.
  2. We use mainstream, web technologies used by millions of websites around the world.
  3. We are experts in user-centric design.
  4. We host all our websites: one hand to shake; one throat to choke.
  5. Our sites are portable and readily supported by most web hosting services.

Look smart! Contact MojoMediaPros to transform your web presence.

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