5 UX Problem-Solving Tips You Should Know


The Challenges in UX Design, Aren't Always the Ones You’d Expect

Healthcare is certainly an industry where innovation is lacking, and not for lack of trying. The industry is slow-moving and always a little hesitant to react, understandably, as there are often many repercussions if done wrong. One such company doing its part to shake things up...

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  2510 Hits

The 7 Hard Lessons of Digital Innovation

7-Hard-Lessons of Digital Product Design

Digital media lessons that have withstood the test of time.

This article is inspired by a talk I gave nearly three decades ago in the early days of interactive media. It was February of 1992 and I was leading a team of designers and programmers at a think tank imaginatively named GTE Imagitrek...

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  1962 Hits

Maximizing Web Presence to Attract Investors


The Role of SEO in attracting investors 

Recently, I had the opportunity to present to a group of startup business founders and entrepreneurs at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center. The topic we were asked to speak on was the role of social media in grooming your company for investment. 

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  5505 Hits

Presentation Matters

Presentation Matters

Not So Obvious 

As design professionals, we grow accustomed to developing ideas and reviewing work in progress. We “see” the comp or the rough idea in our mind’s eye for the finished work it will become. And at times we mistakenly project our comfort level onto others...

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  4002 Hits

The Power of a Prototype

The Power of a Prototype

In The Beginning...

Before tablets were commonplace there was the original iPad. Before there were smartphones in the hands of hundreds of millions of men, women, and children around the globe, there was the iPhone. Remember the comments? "A glass phone? Are you kidding?"...

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  4038 Hits

Fake It Till You Make It


An Approach To Prototyping That Sells

When it comes to web and mobile application development, it seems to me that many entrepreneurs and product teams are often too anxious to develop (coding implied) a proof of concept (POC) and much less interested in understanding the problem space or seeking user validation of a product’s viability...

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  398 Hits